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Here’s what’s happening in my literary world.

Updated: 3 days ago

Check out the amazing 'Schism' special issue of The Ex-Puritan, edited by Puneet Dutt. Puneet has pulled together an impressive collection of fiction, poetry and essays about "people simply trying to make sense of their place in a world that doesn’t feel settled." I'm honoured to have poems included alongside the powerful work of poets like Jose Hernandez Diaz, Jane Zwart, Amorak Huey and Salma Hussain.

'Episodic Tremor & Slip' is a sequence of poems about a winding, many-years-long parental journey. The 5 poems published in The Ex-Puritan are from a 13-poem sequence in my forthcoming book. Another poem from the sequence will be published in an upcoming issue of The Fiddlehead.

Updated: 5 days ago

I’m honoured to have my poem “Biking to the Green Burial Grounds” included in The Senior Class: 100 Poets on Aging, from Lamar University Literary Press.

The new anthology aims to explore through verse the themes of aging, as well as other issues related to eldercare, retirement, mortality, grief, gratitude, earned wisdom, senior living, spiritual reflection, and physical and mental decline, as well as changing dynamics in family relationships and marriage.

I heard about this anthology via my long-term poetry pal Peter Christensen. Peter and I go way back to the 70s when we founded and edited Canada Goose poetry journal and the Ride Off Any Horizon anthologies (NeWest Press), so we know something about being 'the senior class.' Thanks Peter.

Updated: Nov 18

My essay Living in Stone has been republished, with glorious photos by Kim Smith, Tyler Dixon and Bob Barlow, through Blurb Books. Living in Stone tells of visiting the historic and evocative petroglyphs in the Old Man River valley at Writing-on-Stone Park in southern Alberta. The essay was initially published in Alberta Naturalist, and then in EarthLines (UK). The booklet can be purchased (pdf or hard copy) from Blurb Books, or send a note on this site’s Contact form.

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